Overcome That 'Weird' Feeling
Life Happens
Life is full of unexpected twists + turns. Sometimes, things happen that leave us feeling off + unsure of why. But it is important to recognize that there is often a deeper meaning behind these experiences. Beloved, are you listening to your spirit for guidance?
Take Time to Be Still
It's easy to get caught up in the chaos of delusions + forget to take care of what/who matters. So when we don't give ourselves the time + space to be still, we miss out on important messages. Beloved take a moment each day to quiet your mind + listen to what your body + soul are trying to tell you.
Stress + Discomfort
When we ignore the beginning signs of stress + discomfort they have a way of manifesting in our bodies + exuding into our surroundings. Together they have the power to disrupt our physical + emotional well-being, leading to a variety of unwanted symptoms. Beloved, it is crucial to pay attention to these signs + take action before they escalate.
You Are a Priority
I know that It's much easier to put others' needs before our own, but neglecting yourself only leads to further imbalance. So, listen closely. You are a priority. Your well-being matters + you have to take care of yourself. No one else is going to set aside time for you to practice self love + care. Beloved you have to do it. Because being the best version of yourself begins with pouring into yourself so that you're able + equipped to continue to pour into others.
Be Proactive
Every day is filled with new opportunities a.k.a. the present moment for you to make a commitment to do right by yourself. Don't wait until things become unbearable to tend to what's bothering you. Be proactive + start addressing any discomfort or unease that you may feel right now. Embrace your daily rituals whether it's prayer, meditation, journal writing, holistic approach, or seeking support from others. Take the necessary steps to find healing so that you can restore balance within yourself.
Trust Your Intuition
Deep down, you know what's best for you + you don't need another human being to confirm it. So, trust your intuition. When you are in tune with spirit, guidance is undeniable, answers are given + the truth is always clear. There will be no need to seek out answers for things already known. Beloved trust what you know + allow your journey to take you on an exploration that's filled with new ways to grow.
Embrace Stillness
Clarity, peace + good health are granted by embracing stillness + taking the time to listen. You will have a better overstanding of yourself + your surroundings. So, give yourself the gift of stillness. Beloved, embrace your growth, sit in your garden + watch as your life transforms.
What's a tesla without a charge? My point exactly so, reconnect yourself to the source. Gods' guidance is intuitively provided for you to navigate through this life with grace + wisdom. Life is mysterious + filled with challenges, but by listening the first time you can avoid a lot of unnecessary issues. Remember that you're a priority. Be proactive in taking your time so you can aid what's bothering you now. Beloved trust your intuition, own your power + know that its ok to be still.